We will provide simple information regarding imports of plants and fruits. Imported plant inspection is required to import plants (flowers and seeds) and fruits (apples, etc.) from overseas. For imported plant inspection, an inspection certificate (Phytosanitary Certificate) issued by the plant protection agency of the exporting country is required. It seems that some companies issue inspection certificates (Phytosanitary Certificates) on your behalf, but please note that we do not currently ship plants and fruits at Importsquare. Plants without an inspection certificate will be disposed of based on the Plant Protection Law. Also, please be aware that if you import without attaching the inspection certificate or if you do not undergo the inspection at the time of import, you may be punished with imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of up to 1 million yen. Please refer to the page of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries below.